Kalibre Academy Exclusive Mix Series - Music to work out to - Gorgon City
Jul 19, 2022
We want to say a BIG thanks to Gorgon City for recoding us this exclusive mix. As you know one of our 6 pillars is play, music often provides a great platform for initiating play, but music can also educate, inspire and energise us as human beings and is a very powerful entity. We all have that one mix or one tune that we play that motivates us or drives us further, in this exclusive mix series we are asking DJs to go deep into a mix with no other brief than to play music to work out to.
We hope that these mixes will help you reach your personal bests, help you to zone into, or even out, of a problem or worry, even for a split second of respite, or will help you to focus to finish a task or goal that you are currently working on.
Keep an eye on the blog as we have more exclusive mixed lined up for you. Don't forget to connect with us on INSTAGRAM to keep up to date with everything that we're up to. Also let us know who you'd like to hear a mix from next.
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